Men's Weekend 

 June 26-29 2025

Men's Leader

Steve Cichon


Contact information:


​Women's Weekend

​ June 19-22 2025

Women's Leader

Katie Schladetsch

Reading: Jeremiah 29:11-13

Contact information:

The 2025 Men’s Weekend Leader is Steve Cichon.

I will be the Men’s Journey Leader for 2025.. I am married to Chris and we have 3 beautiful children. My church is Holy Rosary Parish. I am a very busy working man! But, I can still remember when I had my first “part time” job years ago- it was only 40 hours a week. [😉] Fortunately I am not too busy for God, which is why my wife and I love participating in the Journey community. I know that if you give a Journey weekend a chance, as I did, you will also find time for Jesus in your life.

Registration forms for team members and candidates are on the General Support Page.

The 1st Vice & 2026 Women’s Weekend Leader is Cindi Huempfner.

I am in awe of what God has done in my life and the love and mercy He has for each and every one of us. My heartfelt wish is to have every woman attending our Journey weekends experience that love and mercy for themselves. I made my Journey weekend in 2011, and I felt overwhelmed by the love of God and the love of the community around me.  It was truly extra special, and it's why I've been involved ever since.  I celebrate 51 years of marriage in 2025, to the wonderful man God created for me, Michael.  I'd like to say we were married at 10, but then I'd be lining up for confession.  We have a son and two daughters, all married, living out of state with our 5 precious grandchildren, 3 boys and 2 girls, ages 8, 7, 6, 7 and 10 months respectively.  My deepest wish is to show God's love and care to those He puts in my path.

A video describing the Journey Weekend and some personal experiences of members.

Click here for the video.

The 2025 Women’s Weekend Leader is Katie Schladetsch.

I am honored to be the leader for Women's Journey Weekend.  I have been married to Dale for 38 years.  We have 3 amazing daughters, Megan, Paige and Nikki.  My relationship with my family is very precious and dear to me.  We are a fun loving and close knit family even though we are spread from one coast to the other!  I am a member of Holy Rosary Parish.  I've been involved in ministries in the church including being a Eucharistic Minister, greeter and a Faith Formation teacher.  I work at Costco, a career which has spanned over 30 years.  I love to sew, quilt, camp, travel and be outdoors.  I made my Cursillo/Journey weekend in East Helena in 2008.  My Journey experience was life changing for me.  I never realized how much God was working in my life until I participated in my weekend.  I grew to know Jesus and have a deeper personal relationship with him.  I am excited to share my faith and my love of the Lord!

Please join me and other faith-filled women for the Women's Journey Weekend June 19-22, 2025 in Bozeman for a weekend filled with God's love, grace and mercy.